Sunday, May 2, 2010

Effective Association Governance

Effective association governance is not just about boards. It is also about power and influence, about how decisions are made and about how your members are able to influence the directions and priorities of the association. Most association executives and volunteers know that their associations could be more effective than they currently are. Many also believe their governance models stand in the way. Typical problems cited:

* Boards that micro-manage details such as debating which speaker to invite to the next Board Meeting.

* Board meetings that drag on with very little of substance being accomplished.

* Association members feeling powerless to influence decisions.

* Constant drifting from crisis to crisis with no clear sense of direction or purpose.

* Widespread member apathy.

How your members perceive value is directly linked to your association’s governance structure. I have pioneered a number of innovative techniques to help associations overcome these types of problems and achieve extremely high member satisfaction ratings relative to the performance of their association.

If you want me to talk about this at your next meeting just email:

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