Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A well run board meeting...

So you live in this wonderful community. The board members are really nice and the manager always smiles. But is there something just under the surface that is hiding out waiting to pop up and bit the community when the time is not perfect?

Well if you attend board of directors meetings you should be able to answer that question with relative ease. If not I suggest the next best thing. Request and read a copy of the board minutes. That's right the board minutes. What will the minutes show? Many things. One of them being how well your board runs these meetings.

A well run meeting is a good indicator that the leadership of your community is managing the affairs effectively. First, every board member should be acquainted with Robert's Rules of Order. These rules establish a procedure for making , amending and discussing motions presented by other members. But be careful. Check your association documents to see if it specifies Robert's Rules of Order for your meetings.

Second, does the board follow the posted agenda? The agenda items Must be followed in the order it's written. Third, do motions get seconded; discussed and then voted on or does the vote get put off for another time? Forth, does the membership present amount to over 6% of the total number of unit owners? A well run association attracts attendances in the neighborhood of 10% or more.

And lastly, I suggest you order copies of board minutes from the past six months and read them. By doing so you will be more informed as to the direction your association is heading in.

If you have any questions relating to Property Management feel free to email me.
I will do my best in replying back to you withing three days.


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