Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do you have happy members?

Member Satisfaction is key to running any organization especially home owner and condominium associations.

So let me begin by saying that strong customer satisfaction can be defined as meeting or exceeding expectations of the membership. Great customer service is a balancing act and requires communication with the membership. For example, when was the last time the board members spoke with the membership about the quality of the service? Has the association sent out questionnaires? Do the board members ask questions to the membership? Are the board members willing to ask questions?

If the answer to any these questions is NO then I suggest you get started right now finding out how your community feels about the decisions the board makes.

Don’t delay. Do it now. And remember communication with the homeowners is the best way to build support.

Again, the key to great customer service is communication. And don’t forget that a positive attitude will help you create positive customers.

If you would like me to attend one of your meetings to discuss this topic further feel free to email me at the link below.


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