Friday, April 30, 2010

Achieving Your Association's Potential

Achieving Your Association's Potential Involving and Empowering Your Members Mr. LaMorte says that if you look at the structures of typical Florida associations, most of them are like triangles. The board of directors is typically at the top (i.e. the triangle's smallest point) and communicates 'downwardly' to committees, and staff (i.e. the broader base). Often, the decision-makers have little or no contact with the membership-at-large and don't really know what's going on. Whether it's a large association or small it is easy to see that relatively small groups of governing bodies are setting policies and creating programs based on limited knowledge and exposure - and the members have largely been left out. "There is something definitely missing between what members want and what their association is delivering," says Mr. LaMorte…

If you would like to learn more about my program, please call me today to set-up a free no-obligation meeting.

Frank LaMorte
Cell 561-707-4900

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