Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thinking of hiring a manager?

So you want a manager to help with the affairs of your association. You decided to research the possibility of hiring a manager. This researching has lead you to the conclusion that this journey might be a little scary.

Don't be scared. Be prepared and know that if you don't take certain precautions some interesting things will start to happen. What precautions should you take ? I suggest you start by writing out a detailed list of all association issuers you would like the manager to handle. This is a very important first step. The reason is that all managers are NOT created equal.

What I mean is certain managers / management companies have a certain personality / knowledge type. This personalty / knowledge type can mean a lot if you are looking for the manager to make certain your newly approved balcony reconstruction runs smoothly without delays and cost over-runs. Therefore; the manager MUST know construction planning; bidding process; time-lines and contracts. If your manager has never been involved in or had education in the above then your association could be heading down a very interesting road, and that road could cost you a lot on money.

So the moral of this story is for you to know the needs of your association and make sure the manager is equipped with the knowledge / expertise to handle the many obstacles that will come along.

If you would like help in hiring a manager, or if you have other questions regarding association management feel free to write me anytime.


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